
Hi! I’m nathan wentworth, I make video games and websites. I like using vanilla javascript, Unity C#, and python. Recently I’ve been into making CLI tools and server-side web apps. I think websites should be lightweight, tracking-free, and accessible! I’m a strong supporter of anything that encourages people to make their own websites, like tilde.town, neocities, and github pages.
I’m interested in design, open source software, minimalism, fashion, and human-scale technology. I like fun music, video games, and taking photos. Check out some media, websites, and other things that I like!
I love playing Dance Dance Revolution (3rd Dan [三段]) and Beatmania IIDX (4th Dan [四段]), I also play a little Pop’n and SDVX!
Feel free to email me or talk to me on twitter! All posts/categories on this site can be followed with RSS: posts, projects, and recommendations.
Featured in
moshboy’s 1000 gamemakers / Rock Paper Shotgun / itch.io Twitter / itch.io CSS Showcase
- mastodon
- bluesky
- tumblr
- instagram (i do not post)
- last.fm
- pinboard
- github
- itch.io
- discord: nthnw
- soundcloud
- anime list
- letterboxd
- bandcamp collection
- xbox - hatsune miku#694
- steam
Site info
This website is hosted on a Digital Ocean (affiliate link) droplet running Ubuntu 18 and nginx. Let’s Encrypt is providing the SSL Cert, and my CMS/site generator is Jekyll. The last.fm/pinboard/etc sections on the front page auto-update once every hour. Feel free to check out this site’s source code on Github.