Summer 2024

In class blog fashion, I’ve been a bit neglectful in posting!! So here’s a nice hard reset where I recap everything that’s happened since my last post! Not going to be as detailed as my previous posts, but that’s fiiiiiine i’ll make up for it later
Saw Oneohtrix Point Never (again!), absolutely incredible show experience, unbelievable visuals, and it was a career-spanning setlist so I got to hear some of my favorites (including tracks from Garden of Delete)

Right after OPN, I got to see Owen (the singer from American Football’s solo project). It was peak “guys in their 30s wearing black denim jackets crossing their arms” so no one was trying to go to the front, so I got some great close-up photos about one person back from the front. Really great show, very funny guy!

A few weeks after Sean, Shawn, Connor, Gabe, Matt, and I all went to the Cape for a pre-memorial day beach weekend. It was way colder than we had hoped so we really only got one true “summer beach” day out of it, but the cloudy, chilly beach walks were also a total vibe
Though a big highlight to that weekend was when Sean, Gabe, and I drove out to the Monomoy Nature Preserve which was really out of the way and pretty deserted, so it felt like we were in Death Stranding on the empty, flat beaches with washed-up trees everywhere, and then when we kept walking the scenery was beautiful

Next trip, Montreal!!! This one was planned by Nick and Mariah, and I’m kinda shocked I’ve never gone there before! Connor, Sean, and I drove up, stopping in Burlington, Vermont on the way, and it was a super easy drive.
Montreal Kinda Owns, imo, it’s definitely a Vibe city, like I feel like we got most of the things we wanted to do done in like four days? But there’s so many nice restaurants and cafes and stuff that I could have definitely spent a few more just hanging out. Though, I didn’t realize how much french there would be!!!!! Like when I accidentally picked out a french book that Mariah bought without looking at it, since I just defaulted to assuming everything would be english. We brought back two dozen Fairmount bagels each and god, I need more… I miss those all-dressed so bad

Right after the Montreal trip, Alex came up to visit! I somehow didn’t take a single photo i’m satisfied with from that whole period lmao, but it was a good time!!!!! We went to the ISG, met up with some friends at the boston pride parade (and saw the Nicole Kidman AMC flagbearer lol), checked out the dragon boat races, went candlepin bowling, and had a good time just hanging out!!!!!
I went to the MODE Keyboard meetup!! I got the email about this and I HAD to go (not only for the MBTA sixtyfive badge i prommy). So cool seeing so many unique custom keyboards, especially all of the full-custom PCB/case kinda stuff. You can also check out Taeha Types’ blog post about this event (and you can spot me in his video about it~)!

In August I went to Seattle to visit Jane!!!! I hadn’t seen her since she came to Boston in 2022 and it was so nice to hang out for a few days n_n

After getting back from Seattle, Connor started packing to move out after living together for 5 years (and Sean moving in! i’m sure i’ll have a apartment interior redesign post soon) so it was a pretty hectic couple weeks, though I still went to see Baths, Porter Robinson, and Joie De Vivre and Prawn!!! It was funny seeing the Joie De Vivre/Prawn show so soon after Porter Robinson, since they were basically the exact opposite kind of show. Porter was super produced and rehearsed, very theatrical, and then the Joie De Vivre singer was like “what chord does this song start in?” “what are the lyrics to this one?” before every song lmao

I looked at my last post and lmao @ me saying I was going to try to take less than a month to post about Montreal. OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!