
Moodboard/inspiration collection app made in electron, pulls from a local folder and shows you a grid of images with subdirectory navigator. Tons of customizable options. Download Source
Note! this current version is being deprecated, as i want to rebuild it in something that’s not electron (probably PyQT? C++ QT would probably be better but i’d rather not learn that many new thing at once on a project!). This page will be updated later with that new version whenever it has the same features listed here!
- View folders of images on your computer
- Change css to suit your style (dark background? rounded corners? etc)
- Drag images from your computer or web browser directly into the gallery to add to the current folder, or onto a folder name to add to that folder instead
- Drag a folder into the view to open a new directory
- Protip: have the directory be a cloud-synced folder (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc) and have it update across computers
- OR, have it be a shared cloud-synced folder to have a collaborative moodbored/inspiration folder